龙岩UPS国际快递,龙岩市UPS国际快递服务,龙岩市UPS国际快递公司,龙岩市UPS国际快递咨询,龙岩市UPS国际快递网点亚马逊出口,龙岩市UPS快递美国促销,龙岩UPS国际快递美森快船包税UPS(NYSE:UPS) today announced an unprecedented increase in effortsincoordination with the President’s Coronavirus Taskforce, theFederalEmergency Management Agency (FEMA), and State healthagencies. UPSHealthcare and UPS operations all over the world areworking withmany companies and agencies across the public andprivatesectors.“UPS’s dedicated people, global network andpublic-privatepartnerships are creating a powerful combination forrapiddeployment of protective e and test kits throughoutthe U.S andaround the world,” said UPS Chairman and CEO, DavidAbney. “UPSHealthcare has the expertise and experience to movevital,life-saving medicines, medical devices, diagnostic specimensandsupplies everywhere they are needed.”
UPS today announced a stepped up collaboration with FEMAtoprovide supply chain services for the agency’s distribution ofPPEand necessary materials throughout the U.S includingrespirators,N95 masks, and gloves for use by healthcare workersacross thecountry. As part of the collaboration, FEMA will gainaccess toUPS’s expansive Worldport® facilities in Louisville fortemporarystaging of critical shipments from overseas.